The annual Mollag Ghennal brightens the winter gloom.
Whether you're judged on your choice of chocolate bar or your annual 'vacay' destination, throughout life it's always nice to treat yourself to that something special…
Jazz Lovers Lap Up Stunning Performance at the Centenary Centre
The Caffreys - as Powerful as a Newkie Brown!
I have always been mad about music. Listening to tapes on my Sony Walkman cassette player and getting my first half-size guitar at the age of four was where it all started I guess.
Newly Commissioned composition to premiere at Yn Chruinnaght Inter-Celtic Festival.
Manx Band Mec Lir Relive Their Visit to the Celtic Colours Festival in Canada.
Musicians from the Island play at Europe's biggest Inter-Celtic festival in Brittany. Lorient Festival attracts an audience of nearly 1 million people.
The GFoGE guide to obstacle races & why should you do one.