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90 results found in Residential for isle

Hospice Isle of Man

Hospice Shops & Warehouse Office, Unit 14 Springham Bus Pk, Braddan, IM2 2QU

(01624) 647400 Strang (Patient Care),
(01624) 647460 Fax Line Only,
(01624) 647434 Fundraising,
(01624) 615055,
(01624) 647475 Palliative Care Specialist Team(PCST)

Housing Matters Isle of Man

3 Albany St La, Douglas, IM2 3NS

Isle Caterers Ltd

62, Ground Fl Abacus House, Bucks Rd, Douglas, IM1 3AE

Isle Contemporary Ltd

Old Gas Works, Unit 1 Mill Rd, Peel, IM5 1AX

Isle of Beauty

Isle of Man Advertising & PR Ltd

Quay Ho South Qy, Douglas, IM1 5AR

Isle of Man Airport

Ballasalla, IM9 2AS

Isle of Man Anti-Cancer Association

Unit 6B Middle River Ind Est, Pulrose Rd, Douglas, IM2 1AL

Isle of Man Arts Council

Hamilton Ho Peel Rd, Douglas, IM1 5EZ

Isle of Man Bank Ltd

2 Athol St, Douglas

(01624) 637000 Branch Banking,
(01624) 697706 Premier Banking,
(01624) 637290 Lost/Stolen Cards
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