Student, Juan Greggor, from the Island, features in a national campaign by The Royal National College for the Blind (RNC).
Manx bands clinch double victory at the Lorient Interceltique Festival.
Peel hosts a successful Yn Chruinnaght Inter-Celtic Festival.
Tallis Consort performs sacred music for Advent.
Launch of Manx History app for Secondary Schools.
Since the 5th Century AD, crosses have been used in Mann as memorials and grave stones. Many of the Island's churchyards house displays of ancient stone crosses found within the parishes.
Yn Chruinnaght snaps up award winning band for Festival.
Musicians from the Island play at Europe's biggest Inter-Celtic festival in Brittany. Lorient Festival attracts an audience of nearly 1 million people.
Manx Fairy Tales: The Fairy Doctor
Valerie Caine details the 2016 International Celtic Congress which is to be held on the Isle of Man.