The Isle of Man Sporting & Dining Club has announced the latest 'Sporting & Dining Club' event at the Gaiety Theatre, with guest speaker UKIP Leader Nigel Farage MEP, on the 11th November 2014.
Islanders gather for annual Illiam Dhone Commemoration.
Launch of Christmas Stamps at St John's.
Fawlty Towers recently featured at the Gaiety Theatre.
Newly Commissioned composition to premiere at Yn Chruinnaght Inter-Celtic Festival.
Can Victorian Churches on the Isle of Man Survive the 21st Century?
The Island's individuality is in part due to its rich history.
An introduction to the Manx language, with tips on pronunciation, grammar and tense. Learn to greet people, count to ten and much more.
Everything "Manx". Learn more about who we are, our language, national symbols and more etc.
Learn the basics and structure of the Manx language with our Manx Grammar lesson.