French Journalists sample Manx Culture ahead of Festival Interceltique de Lorient
The Ultimate Challenge - The Centenary of the Isle of Man Parish Walk
Nish as Rish return from successful Norwegian Tour.
Musicians from the Island play at Europe's biggest Inter-Celtic festival in Brittany. Lorient Festival attracts an audience of nearly 1 million people.
‘Enthusiasm will only get you so far’ in the Parish Walk
The Isle of Man Sporting & Dining Club has announced the latest 'Sporting & Dining Club' event at the Gaiety Theatre, with guest speaker UKIP Leader Nigel Farage MEP, on the 11th November 2014.
Lecture introducing Manx Music and its Celtic Style held at the House of Manannan.
Elissa Morris has joined the Department of Economic Development as e-Business Manager.
Mark came back to the Island this TT to successfully beat his 2011 record around the TT course in a car!
The Isle of Man is linked to its immediate neighbours and to the rest of the world by excellent air, sea, postal and telecommunications systems.