Annual Award Presented to the Michael Players.
Newly Commissioned composition to premiere at Yn Chruinnaght Inter-Celtic Festival.
Manx Performers head for new Festival venue in Cornwall.
Norwegian-Manx musical collaboration breaks new ground.
Manx Performers Spring into Life at Welsh Festival
Scottish Harpist, Rachel Hair, is heading across the Atlantic to teach the Americans about Manx music.
Manx Link Remains Strong with Cornish Festival
Musicians from the Island play at Europe's biggest Inter-Celtic festival in Brittany. Lorient Festival attracts an audience of nearly 1 million people.
Peel Pantoloons notched up another winner this year with their rendition of that old favourite, Old Mother Hubbard, during the run up to the festive season.
Peel hosts a successful Yn Chruinnaght Inter-Celtic Festival.