Buy Your Tickets Now for The Headlines Again..........Again! at the Centenary Centre this Weekend
'Nun Stop' Comedy at the Centenary Centre.
Isle of Man born singer and stand-up comedian Liam Moorhouse will be going into the recording studios this August to record his first solo album.
Fawlty Towers recently featured at the Gaiety Theatre.
The Houghton Weavers Weave their Magic at the Centenary Centre.
The Headlines Again.........Again!
Murder Afoot with Inspiration Theatre
2013 was a great year for local filmmaker Rory Dorling, who was named the overall winner of the Isle of Man Film Festival. We caught up with him to find out what he's up to one year on.
The Isle of Man's varied scenery has featured in many films made on location on the Island
Christmas Cultural Events on the Isle of Man