
Hop Tu Naa: The Song

by 6th, May 2022, 07:20pm


Various versions of the Hop-Tu-Naa song are sung whilst celebrating the festival.



This is old Hollantide night;  Hop-tu-naa.

The moon shines bright;   Trol-la-laa

Cock of the hens;   Hop-tu-naa.

Supper of the heifer;   Trol-la-laa

Which heifer shall we kill?  Hop-tu-naa.

The little speckled heifer.   Trol-la-laa

The fore-quarter,  Hop-tu-naa.

We'll put in the pot for you.   Trol-la-laa

The little hind quarter,  Hop-tu-naa.

Give to us, give to us.   Trol-la-laa

I tasted the broth,  Hop-tu-naa.

I scalded my tongue,   Trol-la-laa

I ran to the well,  Hop-tu-naa.

And drank my fill;   Trol-la-laa

On my way back,  Hop-tu-naa.

I met a witch cat;   Trol-la-laa

The cat began to grin,  Hop-tu-naa.

And I ran away.   Trol-la-laa

Where did you run to?  Hop-tu-naa.

I ran to Scotland.   Trol-la-laa

What were they doing there?  Hop-tu-naa.

Baking bannocks and roasting collops.   Trol-la-laa

Hop-tu-naa, Trol-la-laa.



If you are going to give us anything, give it us soon,

Or we'll be away by the light of the moon.

Hop-tu-naa, Trol-la-laa.



SHOH shenn oie Houiney;  Hop-tu-naa.

T'an eayst soilshean;   Trol-la-laa.

Kellagh ny kiarkyn;  Hop-tu-naa

Shibber ny gauin;  Trol-la-laa.

'Cre'n gauin marr mayd ?  Hop-tu-naa

Yn gauin veg vreac.   Trol-la-laa.

Yn chione kerroo,  Hop-tu-naa

Ver mayd 'sy phot diu;   Trol-la-laa.

Yn kerroo veg cooyl,  Hop-tu-naa

Cur dooin, cur dooin.   Trol-la-laa.

Hayst mee yn anvroie,  Hop-tu-naa

Scoald mee my hengey,   Trol-la-laa.

Ro'e mee gys y chibber,  Hop-tu-naa

As diu mee my haie,   Trol-la-laa.

Er my raad thie,  Hop-tu-naa

Veeit mee kayt-vuitsh;   Trol-la-laa.

Va yn chayt-scryssey,  Hop-tu-naa

As ren mee roie ersooyl.   Trol-la-laa.

Cre'n raad ren oo roie,  Hop-tu-naa

Roie mee gys Albin.   Trol-la-laa.

Cred v'ad jannoo ayns shen ?  Hop-til-naa

Fuinney bonnagyn as rostey sthalgyn.   Trol-la-laa.

Hop-tu-naa, Trol-la-laa.



MY ta shiu goll dy chur red erbee dooin, cur dooin tappee eh,
Ny vees mayd ersooyl liorish soilshey yn cayst

Hop-tu-naa, Trol-la-laa.


Regional Variations


Douglas version

Hop-tu-Naa, Hop-tu-Naa,
Jinny the witch flew over the house, to get the stick to lather the mouse.
Hop-tu-Naa, Hop-tu-Naa,
Your mother's gone away and she won't be back until the morning.


Peel version

Hop-tu-Naa, Put in the pot,
Hop-tu-Naa, Scald my trot (throat),
Hop-tu-Naa, I met an ole woman,
Hop-tu-Naa, She was baking bonnags,
Hop-tu-Naa, I asked her for a bit,
Hop-tu-Naa, She gave me a bit, as big as my toe.
Hop-tu-Naa, She dipped it in milk,
Hop-tu-Naa, She wrapped it in silk,
Hop-tu-Naa, trol-la-laa.
Jinny the witch went over the house, to catch a stick to lather the mouse.
Hop-tu-Naa, trol-la-laa.
If you don't give us something, we'll run away with the light of the moon.


Ramsey version

Hop-tu-Naa, Hop-tu-Naa.
Jinny the Witch she ate the horse,
She ate the mane and the tail of course.
Hop-tu-Naa, Hop-tu-Naa.
Jinny the Witch she ate the cow,
But how she ate it, I don't know how.
Hop-tu-Naa, Hop-tu-Naa.
Jinny the Witch she ate the sheep,
She left the wool all in a heap.
Hop-tu-Naa, Hop-tu-Naa.
Jinny the Witch she ate the hog,
She ate the cat and she ate the dog.
Hop-tu-Naa, Hop-tu-Naa.
Jinny the Witch went into the house,
She ate the ringie, she ate the mouse.
Hop-tu-Naa, Hop-tu-Naa.
Jinny the Witch, she'll soon be in view,
And if you're not careful she'll eat you too.
Hop-tu-Naa, Hop-tu-Naa.
Jinny the Witch, she's in your house,
Give us a penny and we'll chase her out.
Hop-tu-Naa, Hop-tu-Naa.
If you're going to give us something, give us it soon,
For we want to be home by the light of the moon.
Hop-tu-Naa, Hop-tu-Naa.


Castletown version

Hop-tu-naa, trol-la-laa,
Jinny the witch went over the house to fetch a stick to lather the mouse.
Hop-tu-naa, Trol-la-laa.
I went to London,
What did you see there?
I saw a lady baking cakes,
I asked for one, she gave me two.
The best o' woman I ever knew.
Hop-tu-naa, trol-la-laa.



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