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Skyhill plantation, Ramsey, Isle of Man was originally planted in 1948
Skyhill, on the outskirts of Ramsey, was planted in 1948 and again in 1965.
It covers an area of 54 hectares. It is a very prominent woodland area from the Ramsey viewpoint. Although there is poor growth on the upper slopes of the mixed conifers, there is potential for conversion to broadleaf on the lower slopes.
With its excellent views from the top, this plantation was home for many years, during the 1970s/80s to a popular pony trekking centre.
Skyhill was the scene of a battle in 1079 between Godred Croven and King Fingal. Croven had landed with his Norsemen at Ramsey and after hiding some of his men in the woods on Skyhill he ambushed the Manx. With no chance of escape the Manx surrendered and Godred proclaimed himself King of Mann.
[Source: Manx Glens - A stroll through history]
[Acknowledgement: Suzanne Cubbon]