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Arbory, Isle of Man | Directions

Barrule plantation is on the east slope of South Barrule in the Isle of Man


Barrule plantation is situated on the east slope of South Barrule, 3 miles south of St John's.  It was planted in the years 1885, 1886 and 1887 by labour employed directly by the Crown.  Among the tree species planted were Larch, Scots Pine, Corsican Pine, Norway Spruce, Pinus Pinaster, Douglas Fir and miscellaneous hardwoods.  The trees were provided by Little & Ballantyne's Knawefield Nursery and, according to the Farrant Papers, consisted of the following: -


3,200 sycamore 3,200 beech

3,200 elm 6,400 Austrian pine
6,400 Corsican pine 23,200 Scots pine


The majority of the species were unable to stand the severe conditions and died out.  In 1911 and 1913 some small areas which had failed were planted up experimetally with Sitka Spruce, Banks Pine, Corsican Pine and Mountain Pine.  The Sitka Spruce proved so successful that it was decided to establish further plots.  The area at the north end of the plantation was planted in 1917.


The Forester, Mr Jaimieson, lived in the Forester's House on this plantation during the 1920s.  The Forestry, Mines and Lands Board replanted parts of this plantation in 1935 and again in 1995.


It now consists of 128 hectares although 8 hectares are unplantable being above the 900ft contour.  South Barrule is the site of a nature trail and has a forest classroom.


[Source: Manx Glens - A stroll through history]


[Acknowledgement: Suzanne Cubbon]
