
The Albert Tower

Points of Interest
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Elfin Glen, A18 Ballure, Ramsey, Isle of Man | Directions

The Albert Tower, which stands on the slopes of Lhergy Frissel, was erected to commemorate the visit to Ramsey of Prince Albert and Queen Victoria on the 20th of September, 1847.


While Her Majesty remained on the royal yacht, Prince Albert came ashore and was guided up through Ballure Glen to Lhergy Frissel, in order to enjoy the views over the town and the northern plain.


In honour of his visit, the hill was renamed Albert Mount and a decision was taken to build a tower.


The foundation stone was laid on Easter Monday, 1848, by Mrs Eden, wife of the Bishop at that time.


Albert Tower is made of granite, measuring some 45 feet in height, and the short climb to it is steep but rewarding.


Although the tower is closed, people can still follow in Albert's footsteps and enjoy the fine views.


Photo: Jon Wornham, CC BY-SA 2.0
