New classes have been added to this year’s Manx Music Speech and Dance Festival.
The festival – commonly known as The Guild – take place between April 27th and May 4th.
Festival Secretary Jacqueline Yates says: “We recognise that tastes and styles change and that’s why we constantly look at making room for exciting new additions.
“The Guild showcases the best of Island talent and we always aim to move with the times to attract new people.
“We are really looking forward to seeing how the new classes are received, particularly the news reading and Stand-Up Comedy classes which we have added to our drama offering.”
New classes include adult group dance, news reading, singing duets and adult stand up comedy will join over 200 others which cover music, dance and drama.
Dandara Managing Director Seamus Nugent adds: “This is our fifth year as sponsor and we are proud to be involved with the Manx Music, Speech and Dance Festival, especially during a period where the committee is exploring ways in which it can cater for people involved in more contemporary forms of artistic expression, while maintaining its strong tradition.
“We feel sure there will be a healthy number of participants once again.”
The closing date for entries is February 9th.