People on the Isle of Man are being asked to consider if they could ‘do something special’ and make a difference in their community.
The search is on for new Special Constables to join the Manx police force.
Ian Horsey has been a Special Constable since 2011 he says: "The role of specials along with others who volunteer to work alongside us is of utmost importance.
“It is a really rewarding and worthwhile experience and I would urge people interested in finding out more to come along to one of our presentation evenings.
“They play an invaluable part in supporting the work of the Isle of Man Constabulary and the service we are able to provide to local people.
“Policing is challenging and complex and specials are involved in a wide range of policing roles.
“As well as developing our current Specials Constables we are always seeking new applicants from people with differing skills and experience, so if you have 10 hours a month or more to offer us, anytime of the day or night, and are interested in finding out more please come along to one of our events.”
The Island has 40 special constables who volunteer their time to assist the regular police force in keeping the Island safe.
Last year they volunteered over 8000 hours working in Neighbourhood Policing, Roads Policing, Firearms Licensing, the Multi-Agency Public Protection Unit and the Central Alcohol Unit.
The role of a special constable includes providing high visibility patrols and helping to police major incidents and events.
Two Special Constabulary recruitment information events are being held at the TT Grandstand in the press centre building on January 29th and January 31st at 7pm.