More than 30 luxury hampers have been donated to elderly people on the Island.
Staff from Nedbank Private Wealth and Nedgroup Investments gave up their time to create the gifts which will be distributed through Age Concern Isle of Man.
Lynn Kelly, senior training and development executive for Nedbank Private Wealth, co-ordinated the process and the volunteers who wrapped and filled the hampers.
Lynn commented: “This is the eleventh year that staff have been making Christmas hampers for Age Concern Isle of Man and both Nedgroup Investments and Nedbank Private Wealth are delighted to be able to support the valuable work undertaken by the charity.
“We know that the hampers often make a huge difference to those receiving them.”
Helen Southworth and Steve Dawson from Age Concern Isle of Man collected the hampers, which will be delivered to older people in the community during December.
Helen added: “This is such a kind, very practical and generous gift from the staff at Nedbank Private Wealth and Nedgroup Investments, who’ve done a fantastic job putting together beautifully wrapped hampers full of gifts and treats which will bring a lot of pleasure to local older people at Christmas.”