Summerhill Glen will have new fairy doors thanks to Douglas Guides, Brownies and Rainbows.
The groups, along with students from Ballakermeen High School, were all saddened to learn that some of the glen’s fences, trees and decorative features, including a number of fairy doors, had been damaged by vandals in September.
Guide leader Sarah Anstey explains: “The girls wanted to do something positive in response so decided to make new fairy doors, which made a great community project for them to be involved in.
“We’re grateful to Douglas Borough Council for their cooperation and also to Craftworks Studio in Castletown who showed the girls how to make the pottery doors - about 20 in all - then painted and fired them for us.”
Brown Owl Dianne Rubery, who approached the council in the first instance, added: “We wanted to add great joy to the hundreds of children who use Summerhill Glen.”
Craftworks Studio’s Viv Mercer said: “Craftworks Studio got involved after we saw a post on Facebook about the vandalised fairy doors.
“While chatting to Sarah Anstey, she mentioned that her Brownies and Guides had been given permission to replace the fairy doors by Douglas Borough Council, so we thought it would be great if the girls could make the replacement ceramic doors at the studio.
“We had a lovely evening with the girls creating their own unique and fun fairy doors, which were then painted by the Craftworks team after they had been fired.
"We were very impressed with the quality and vivid imagination shown and it was lovely to be part of such a positive and happy contribution to Summerhill Glen.’
Regeneration and community committee chairman Stephen Pitts said: “The council was touched by the reaction of the Guides, Brownies, Rainbows and Ballakermeen High School to the vandalism in Summerhill Glen.
“We applaud their public-spirited response and are very grateful to their leaders for their support.
“Summerhill Glen is a hugely popular attraction and, thanks to these young people’s pride in their community, the glen will continue to be a source of magic and wonder for young and old alike."