Artists are being invited to have their work featured on gateway bollards on Douglas Promenade.
It’s part of efforts to improve the area – the bollards will indicate entrance points to low speed areas.
They’ll be made of granite and will be 1.4m tall – featuring an embossed Celtic knot design they’ll have two side panels which will carry the winning designs.
Infrastructure Minister Ray Harmer says: “With the enabling works now well under way on the promenade, we are seeking designs for these prominent features to be used to display public art.
“The winning designs will form an important part of this exciting refurbishment project and I encourage as many people as possible to submit their work.”
The project is being supported by the Isle of Man Arts Council.
Emma Callin, Head of the Villa Marina, Gaiety Theatre and Arts, explains: “This will be a wonderful opportunity for someone to be part of a lasting legacy for the Isle of Man.
“There could be up to eight different designs or four pairs of designs that flow and complement each other.”
Designs should be submitted by January 2nd - you can find more information HERE.