The Isle of Man has become one of the only flag states to have recieved two international quality standards.
It's after the Ship Registry was awarded ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
Enterprise Minister Laurence Skelly says: "Successful transition to both of the new standards is a huge achievement that further adds to the reputation of the Isle of Man Ship Registry as a quality international register.
"It is leading the way as the only Isle of Man Government division to hold both standards and with our support, continues to contribute to the quality and professionalism of our business sectors."
The 2015 revisions of ISO 9001 (Quality Management) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) are the latest versions of both standards and both have been enhanced, with new requirements being added to each.
The Isle of Man Ship Registry operates to an ‘integrated’ management system that combines both standards, although they are separately audited by external assessors.
Director of the Isle of Man Ship Registry Dick Welsh says: "ISO certification not only sends a message to our clients that we operate robust quality and environmental management systems, but also reinforces our desire to continually seek efficiencies and improvements in all that we do.
"The majority of our shipping clients hold ISO certification for their own systems.
"The Ship Registry’s certification demonstrates an understanding of the operation of quality and environment systems and shows that our ideals and cultures are aligned with that of our clients.
"In today’s world, with the pressure on reducing our carbon footprint and global action on the use of single-use plastics and waste, the Ship Registry is demonstrating a responsible commitment to the environment."