Estera has promoted four of its staff at the Isle of Man office.
Three people have been appointed in the fiduciary team.
Aidan McCowliff takes the position as Senior Manager and Zoe Lowey and Jessica Carridge as Assistant Managers.
Sarah Malley takes up the assistant manager position in the compliance team.
It comes at a time of global expansion for the firm with more than 45 promotions and new appointments made across the 11 jurisdictions Estera operates in.
Managing Director Gary O’Connor says: "As a global company with offices and clients all over the world, it is core to our business to provide a dynamic and challenging work environment as we nurture Isle of Man talent and help staff to grow, develop and achieve their career goals.
"At an exciting time of expansion for our group, it is talented individuals like Aidan, Zoe, Jessica and Sarah that enables us to strive forward and continues to set us apart.
"These promotions are a testament to the hard work and commitment of these four members of staff and I would like to offer my personal congratulations, they really are well deserved.