Farmers on the Isle of Man will receive advance payments from government to help them cope with the dry weather.
The recent spell of good weather and warm temperatures means crops and grass are struggling to grow.
The Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture will support farmers in buying feed and bedding for livestock.
The products are in demand on the open market which has pushed prices higher.
Minister Geoffrey Boot says: "This is a rapid response by DEFA.
"We are introducing this urgent measure to address the scarcity of supply of feed and bedding.
"We continue to work with industry and the Manx National Farmers Union to ensure that farmers are fully supported during the dry weather.
"As part of this, we are exploring other measures DEFA may be able to introduce in order to assist further, should the need arise."
The payment to farmers will see an advance of 10 per cent on the support farmers receive under the Agricultural Development Scheme.