Reservoirs on the Isle of Man are still sufficiently stocked.
That's the message from Manx Utilities which says they are being closely monitored during the hot weather.
8 billion litres of clean drinking water are provided to people on the Island each year.
However the MUA is encouraging people to use water wisely.
They’ve issued the following tips and advice:
- Turn taps off properly
- Fix dripping taps
- Take a shower instead of a bath
- Take two less minutes in a shower
- Use a bowl or bucket of water rather than leaving a tap running
- Don’t leave the tap running when brushing your teeth
- Only use dishwashers and washing machines with full loads
- Boiling a kettle? – only boil what you need
- Water plants in the evening to avoid the water evaporating
- Use a watering can rather than a hosepipe when watering plants - the average hosepipe can use 1,000 litres of water per hour, so 100,000 litres represents a hosepipe running for four days continuously
- Use a bucket and sponge rather than a pressure washer when washing your car
- Don’t over-water your lawn - lawns only need watering every 5 to 7 days in the summer
- Avoid sprinklers – they use more water in an hour than a family does in one day
- Install a water butt to collect rainwater for the garden
- Reuse paddling pool water to feed plants