A comprehensive and external five-year review of the Isle of Man’s health services is now complete.
The West Midlands Quality Review Service has published its eighth – and final – report.
Findings from all reviews are shared with Department of Health and Social Care colleagues – with immediate and urgent follow-up action taken where required.
Minister David Ashford says: "It was important that all areas of our health service were opened up for rigorous professional scrutiny.
"This latest report brings the current round to an end, so we now have a full picture.
"The review process is vital to ensure we develop safe, high quality services to benefit the population, and we have learned a great deal.
"Essentially, the reviews have told us where we do well and where we need to make improvements, and are proving an invaluable tool to drive positive change in our health service.
"The aim has been to ensure what we offer complies with quality standards you would expect to see anywhere in the United Kingdom.
"We have listened to the reviewers, starting work streams after each visit in line with their guidance.
"Updating, enhancing and auditing our services is an ongoing process - some improvements will be achieved quickly, others will take time.
"There have been many very pleasing comments from the West Midlands team, who have paid tribute to the dedication and professionalism of our staff in each report.
"I echo that praise and thank staff for their tremendous commitment and effort every day."
An overview of the eight reviews carried out by the West Midlands Quality Review Service, outlining progress made across the board, will be presented to Tynwald later this year.