PwC Isle of Man is encouraging local businesses to participate in the biennial 2018 PwC Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey, with the aim of discovering the true extent of economic crime within the Isle of Man.
The survey is the premier thought leadership publication on economic crime.
Alison Cregeen, newly appointed Advisory Director and Forensics lead at PwC Isle of Man, commented:
‘The aim of the survey is to assess corporate attitudes towards fraud and economic crime in the current economic environment, the impact of these on organisations’ business ethics and compliance programs, how they are responding and what type of fraud are most common.
‘Your participation will play a role in establishing the extent of economic crime in business and help develop the means to mitigate its risks. We need sufficient local respondents to get a local cut of the results, and we strongly encourage local businesses to complete the survey.
‘We believe that by doing so we will get valuable insight into the extent and characteristics of economic crime locally, as well as seeing how these findings compare against trends both globally and in the UK.’
The online survey takes 15-20 minutes to complete, depending on the answers you select, and local companies completing the survey are asked to enter ‘Isle of Man’ in the other country field.
To participate in the study please access directly via the link below:
The final deadline for responses is 6 September 2017. All responses will be treated as strictly confidential. This means that all survey data will be separated from the company name and responses will be associated only with your industry, company size, and other demographic data. No references to individual companies will be made in the results or analysis of the survey data.
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