The Isle of Man Green Party is hosting a free public presentation by Jude English, a Green Party Councillor from Bristol, and John Rimington, former MHK and Environment Minister, and now electoral returning officer for the Green Party in Cardiff.
Since leaving the Isle of Man John has worked extensively with the Green Parties in New Zealand and Wales; Jude is currently assisting the campaign of Molly Scott Cato (MEP), who may be set to be elected as the second Green Party MP in Westminster. Jude and John will speak about the Green Party in England & Wales, the concerns of Green politics, the forthcoming election in the UK, and the role the Isle of Man Green Party can have on the Island.
The presentation will take place from 7pm on Thursday 25 May at the Columba club, Circular Road, 1 Sydney Mount, Douglas. For further information please contact Andrew Newton via email at or call on 427925.
Photo - Jude English.