The Department of Economic Development has announced new departmental team structures and initiatives to further improve their support for the Island’s businesses.
The announcements took place today at a business breakfast hosted by Simon Pickering, the new Head of On-Island Development and introduced by Laurence Skelly MHK, Minister for the Department of Economic Development. The event was attended by senior industry delegates from many of the Island’s Financial and Professional Services companies.
The announcements included a newly restructured Financial and Professional Services team and a new online Toolkit for businesses. The Toolkit provides guidance, resources and insight for SMEs and entrepreneurs on Island, along with easy to access promotional materials for businesses acting as ambassadors for the Isle of Man.
Minister Skelly commented:
‘It is a great pleasure to launch these new initiatives. The new structure of the Financial and Professional services team re-affirms our commitment to supporting this vital sector and delivery of the Vision 2020 strategy. The new structure provides clearer points of contact at the Department and a more visible support network within Government for both on and off-Island businesses.’
Simon Pickering commented:
‘The online Toolkit is the logical next step to supporting enterprise on the Island. What we have launched today is the platform upon which we will continue to build, providing useful content and guidance for Island businesses. The creation of the Toolkit is a direct result of feedback we have received from industry and small businesses who have found guidance and mentoring equally as useful as our financial support packages.’
Following the launch members of the business community are invited to feedback on what additional content they would find helpful to see included within future Toolkit updates by contacting
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