Councillor John Skinner has been elected Mayor of Douglas for the 2016-2017 municipal year.
Members of the council voted unanimously to elect Councillor Skinner at a statutory public council meeting held on Wednesday May 11, 2016.
In his proposer’s speech Councillor David Ashford said Councillor Skinner had shown ‘great dedication to our borough’ over the four years he had served a member of the council, helping to identify and implement savings, latterly in his role as chairman of the regeneration and community committee.
Councillor Ashford referred to Councillor Skinner’s 30 years of service in the Isle of Man Fire and Rescue Service, adding: ‘In whatever role he undertakes his dedication is always 100 per cent.’
In closing he said Councillor Skinner was ‘a man of dedication and principle who would bring all his personality and skills’ to the role of Mayor of Douglas.
Seconding the nomination Councillor Ritchie McNicholl spoke of Councillor Skinner’s extensive experience of committee procedures which would help ‘to keep the council in order’ and that as a well-known behind-the-scenes figure at the Gaiety Theatre he would be accomplished to deal with any ‘theatrical proceedings’ in the council chamber.
Accepting the nomination Councillor Skinner said he felt ‘privileged and humbled’ to serve as Mayor of Douglas and follow in the footsteps of many distinguished predecessors.
Looking to the future he observed: ‘In this, the 120th anniversary year of Douglas Borough Council it is essential that we work hard to carry on providing value for money in the services we deliver to the ratepayers of our town, and to continue to make it, above all, a vibrant and enjoyable place in which to live and work.’ He added: ‘I believe that this council will meet many of the challenges it faces head on and continue to maintain its operations within budget while providing real leadership to the borough.’
In closing he announced that the charities to benefit from the 2016-2017 mayoral charity appeal would be Manx Decaf, Naseem’s Brain Tumour Charity and Anthony Nolan Isle of Man.
In a vote of thanks to the retiring mayor Councillor David Ashford praised former Councillor Sara Hackman for her ‘bubbly personality and passion for all things environmental’. He said that as mayor she had ‘shown great dedication and thrown herself into any challenge that had come her way’ and undertaken the role ‘with dignity and poise’.
Seconding the vote of thanks Councillor Carol Malarkey said Mrs Hackman had ‘represented the council, the Borough of Douglas and the Isle of Man outstandingly well…bringing her own distinctive lightness of touch and distinctive warmth to the office of mayor.’
In her response Mrs Hackman said that her year in office had been ‘amazing’ and that she had been proud to promote Douglas and the Isle of Man at every opportunity. The experience, she said, had been ‘truly humbling’ and she thanked all those who had supported her throughout her time in office when it had proved to be ‘an honour’ to serve the Borough of Douglas.
Councillor Skinner will be supported by his wife, Gillian Skinner, as mayoress. Councillor Ann Corlett will serve as deputy mayor and Wendy Caulfield as deputy mayoress. The Rev John Coldwell will serve as mayor’s chaplain.
Friday 13th, May 2016 11:15pm.