Manxman Chris Stott, CEO and Chairman of ManSat Ltd, has been named Chair Emeritus of the Society of Satellite Professionals International (SSPI), alongside one of his heroes, the late legendary science fiction author Sir Arthur C Clarke first Chairman of the Society.
Chris recently completed his one-year term as Chairman of the SSPI, the space and satellite industry’s largest global professional association, and attended the SSPI annual conference in Washington DC to hand over the reins to incoming Chair, Bryan McGuirk of ViviSat.
‘I was handing over to Bryan, and to Dawn Harms of Boeing, who is the incoming President, when the Board surprised me by naming me a Chair Emeritus in recognition of my work with the society over the last 20 years,’ explained Chris, who has been a board member for six years and served a one-year term as President before becoming Chairman.
‘The society’s other Chair Emeritus is Sir Arthur, and it is a great honour to be named alongside such a remarkable man. I met him almost 21 years ago to the day, at his home in Sri Lanka. He was convincing me to attend the International Space University, for which he was chancellor at the time. It’s hard to believe that all these years later, I’ve been named alongside Sir Arthur as Chair Emeritus for the SSPI.’
Sir Arthur died in 2005, aged 91. The author of many novels and short stories, he also co-wrote the screenplay for the classic sci-fi movie 2001: A Space Odyssey with director Stanley Kubrick. Most importantly Sir Arthur has been credited with the invention of modern satellite communications, outlining the concept in his May 1945 paper published in Wireless World Magazine, now on display at the Smithsonian museum in Washington D.C. Indeed, the GEO belt is also known as the ‘Clarke Orbit’ in his honor. He was also, of course, a renowned inventor, underwater explorer and TV presenter and was both the SSPI’s first Chair and the first Chancellor of the International Space University (ISU) whose International Institute of Space Commerce is presently established in the Isle of Man.
The SSPI is the largest professional association in the space and satellite industry globally with more than 4,000 members. A non-profit organisation, it looks to develop the careers of those working within the satellite industry, creating opportunities to network and work together, while promoting greater awareness of the satellite industry to businesses, regulatory bodies and consumers via regular publicity campaigns. It also works to attract the next generation of talent to the industry through student competitions, scholarships and grants in partnership with leading student associations. The SSPI IOM Chapter was established three years ago.
‘My year as Chairman, only ever a 12-month position, gave me even greater insight into the work and reach of the SSPI,’ Chris said. ‘It was fantastic for recognition of the Isle of Man, and its burgeoning satellite industry. During the last year, the society conducted a “state of the industry” survey, and the Isle of Man chapter of the SSPI is in the process of formulating an industry-led space policy for the Island and we expanded the reach of the Society with new Chapters in Silicon Valley, India, and our next incoming in Israel and Texas.’
‘Chris contributed so much during his year in the Chairmanship,’ said SSPI Executive Director Robert Bell. ‘From work to bring the next generation into the satellite business, to the growth of our chapter network around the world, he moved the Society strongly forward.’
Chris was one of the forerunners of the Isle of Man’s space industry, setting up ManSat in 1998. Since 2000, the company has carried out satellite filings for the Island under a contract with the Isle of Man Government's Communications Commission.
The entire ManSat executive team were in Washington DC for the Satellite 2016 show, the largest space and satellite event on the annual calendar and attended by more than 13,300 delegates. Chris spoke at the conference and also hosted the industry’s Hall of Fame Awards, including the SSPI’s Chairman’s Reception attended by the industry’s leading CEOs and senior executives.
Photo - Sir Arthur C Clarke and Chris Stott - January 1995, Sri Lanka.
Monday 18th, April 2016 12:35pm.