Isle of Man Creamery was pleased to welcome Minister for Economic Development, Hon Laurence Skelly MHK to the Creamery last week to present its Investors in People accreditation certificate and plaque.
Investors in People is the UK’s leading people management standard which uses a rigorous scale based system to help organisations to improve performance through the development and performance of its people. The business is then assessed year on year against its own goals to help benchmark performance and improve in the future.
In order to secure the accreditation, an Investors in People assessor visited the Creamery over a period of two days to gather evidence through employee interviews.
Managing Director, Findlay Macleod said: ‘We were delighted to achieve the Investors in People accreditation again, having first been awarded it in 2003. It helps to demonstrate that the Creamery is a great employer with a commitment to improving our business performance through the development of and investment in our people.’
Mr Skelly added: ‘It is fantastic to see so many businesses in the Isle of Man achieving and maintaining the Investors in People standard. These assessments and benchmarks can help businesses to grow and thrive which in turn will bring numerous benefits to the local economy. I would like to congratulate all of the employees of Isle of Man Creamery who have worked hard to contribute to making the business thrive both at home and further afield, I strongly believe that people are the most important asset of an organisation and this really rings true at the Creamery.’
Photo - Hon Laurence Skelly, MHK presenting the Investors in People Accreditation plaque to Creamery Managing Director Findlay Macleod and members of staff.
Monday 14th, March 2016 10:38pm.