On Thursday 26th November the eClub held its Thanksgiving themed event, sponsored by Sure, at Bar George where guests joined Sure key personnel including Sarah Jarvis, Marketing Manager, and Paul Marriott, Head of Corporate Sales, for drinks and Thanksgiving themed canapes.In a relaxed and convivial atmosphere, the evening was attended by around 60 guests who work in or around the eGaming sector, from licensed entities to ancillary service providers ranging from software developers, advisors and accountants, to infrastructure and finance specialists.
A highlight of the night included a business card draw, with the prize of a Bang and Olufsen BEOPlay S3 Speaker. The prize was kindly provided by hosts, Sure and the winner was Phil Tompsett from Aon.
Commenting on the night, Sarah Jarvis said:
“It was a genuine pleasure for Sure to sponsor the Isle of Man eClub. The eClub is a friendly and relaxed way to engage with the eGaming community. I would like to offer my thanks to Bar George for the delicious drinks and nibbles – a great venue, as always!”The eClub is a social meeting place for anyone involved in eGaming on the Isle of Man or those with an interest in the sector. The initiative was started by KPMG and Continent 8 Technologies to bring the growing number of people working in the sector together in one place and start building lasting relationships. As well as providing a social venue, the eClub party also gives colleagues and friends the opportunity to chat informally about ideas and issues within eGaming on the Island.
For regular updates and to get involved in the eClub, visit:
www.facebook.com/IsleofManeClub or join the group ‘Isle of Man eClub’ on LinkedIn.