Tidal energy will be the topic at the next public meeting of pressure group PAG.
The Positive Action Group is highlighting a new opportunity to boost the economy, with the government having granted a licence for Manx Tidal Energy to investigate the viability of harnessing tidal power off the Point of Ayre. It's hoped part of the seabed can subsequently be leased out for renewable energy generation.
Guest speaker at the PAG meeting will be the company's managing director, Steve Malley, who will answer the public's questions at the end of his presentation.
A PAG spokesman said: 'We are delighted to stage this public meeting about carbon free energy generation on the very day the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris starts. The eyes and ears of the world will be again be focussed on the French capital. Here in the Isle of Man we have the ability to contribute to reducing infrastructure carbon emissions.'
The meeting is on Monday November 30 at the Manx Legion Club in Market Hill, Douglas, starting at 7.30pm. Entry is free.
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