Braddan residents are being invited to participate in an exciting new project, aimed at bringing fun, food, good health and community to the Parish. Braddan Commissioners and the EcoVannin Partnership, with help from the Isle of Man Permaculture Association and Manx Native Trees, are hoping residents in and around Union Mills and Strang will want to get involved.
The proposed site is Strang's Coronation Park, just behind Coronation Terrace, which has been kindly offered by Braddan Commissioners. It's a beautiful, sheltered former playground, with great potential as a space to relax, socialise, and grow food that's tasty, nutritious and available to all. Among other things there are plans to let youngsters try their hand at growing – from veg to herbs, fruit and flowers. The 'Community Chef', Alan Steele, is also planning to make available his outdoor cooking equipment - barbecue, wet dishes and a solar oven! - so that once the garden's established and productive, people can enjoy the pleasures of picking and digging their produce, cleaning and preparing it in the fresh air, and cooking and sharing it together on site. Food so fresh it's practically still alive!
The IoM Permaculture Association and Manx Native Trees have kindly volunteered to give advice on developing the land, starting the planting scheme, and giving regular training and assistance from experienced gardeners. But it's the local residents who'll be able to choose what to grow, cultivate and enjoy the fruits – literally – of their hard work; though there are high hopes they'll opt for some of the Island's wonderful and hardy native fruiting trees and bushes.
The project will only work if a certain number of families and individuals are willing to help out, though - so a meeting has been planned for residents to discuss ideas, and any concerns they might have. This will be held at Braddan Commissioners’ Offices, on Wednesday 25 November at 6pm. People will be able to chat to the organisers about what they'd like to see, and ask questions. All are welcome.
Want to know more? Please just turn up on the day, or alternatively contact the Commissioners’ Office at or call 852808 - or get in touch with Cat Turner (Tel. 482077). We're hoping to see lots of people there!
Photo - location of the proposed project.