Isle of Man Post Office recently distributed a leaflet produced by the Hyperbaric Chamber regarding corporate sponsorship to all Island businesses using its Door to Door service with the support of the Isle of Man Post Office Sponsorship Committee and Communication Workers Union (CWU). The Chamber approached the sponsorship committee for support, and with the backing of the CWU, it was pleased to help this worthy cause and agreed to distribute the leaflet.
The Hyperbaric Chamber provides hyperbaric oxygen to a wide range of patients suffering from injuries and chronic medical conditions here on the Island and is looking to position a new unit at Nobel’s Hospital. In order to raise money to fund the new facility and begin treating more patients, having outgrown its existing building, it is now seeking corporate sponsorship. The leaflets have been delivered to assist in this support, to allow the Hyperbaric Chamber to grow and improve its service so that it can continue to help the people of the Isle of Man the best it can.
Debbie Barron of the Hyperbaric Chamber said:
“The Hyperbaric Medical Facility is extremely appreciative of the Isle of Man Post Office and its postal workers for their generous offer and service to deliver its 2,500 A5 Door to Door leaflets. The Friends of the Hyperbaric Chamber Charity are currently trying to raise the much needed ?500K necessary to build the facility to house a new chamber doubling the amount of patients a day.” She continues:
“This is once again a marvellous example of how the Isle of Man community comes together and helps those in need and we are currently in need.” Sarah Read, Chairman of Isle of Man Post Office Sponsorship Committee said:
“The Hyperbaric Chamber benefits many Island residents with the services that it provides and we are pleased to support and aid its continued growth where we can. We hope they get all the support they can with the new facility at Nobel’s Hospital.” Visit for more details about the Chamber and work that it is involved with.
Photo - (Left to Right) of Debbie Barron with two of the Post Office postal persons involved with the delivery, Isle of Man Post Office CWU representative Pete Chandler and Account Manager Katha Stewart.