A hard working team of volunteers from HSBC Bank plc recently spent a day helping the Manx Wildlife Trust remove bog myrtle and willow from within the nature conservation charity’s Close Umpson Nature Reserve.
Maintained by the Trust for its varied habitat and wildlife value and so not currently open to the public, Close Umpson is just one field covering less than 2 acres of species-rich grassland, curragh and bog and forms part of the Ballaugh Curragh Area of Special Scientific Interest. The flora on the reserve comprises a diverse range of meadow and wetland plants, including various species of orchid, yellow rattle, purple loosestrife, eyebright, Devil’s-bit scabious, bog asphodel and common knapweed. The site also has a good population of adder’s-tongue fern.
The work undertaken by the volunteers from HSBC was to selectively remove bog myrtle and willow from the wettest part of the site to help maintain the area of bog habitat and the specialist plants and insects associated with it.
Having carried out a number of practical tasks for the Manx Wildlife Trust in recent years, including one earlier this year, the HSBC volunteers were keen to take on the challenge. The tussocky, wet terrain made for difficult working conditions but the staff rose to the challenge and cleared a significant area. As well as providing the team of enthusiastic volunteers, the Bank also kindly funded all of the necessary materials.
Commenting on the day’s activities, Kevin Cartledge, Senior Manager HSBC Isle of Man, said, “The Manx Wildlife Trust is one of HSBC's long term community partners. We are delighted to support our employees to volunteer to provide practical support to the charity for projects, which prove to be very popular. This project provided hands-on experience of the charity’s invaluable nature conservation work.”
Photo - HSBC staff after a good work out at Close Umpson nature reserve (L – R: Ray Minards, Will Berney, Rachel Evans, Paul Tate, Sharon Slade and Martina Kennish)
Monday 9th, November 2015 01:56pm.