A new business is on a mission to help improve the health of Manx residents.Ideal Nutrition, run by Sheeba Thiagarajan, offers practical nutritional solutions for individual clients, families, the community at large and the corporate world – as well as bringing a proven weight loss programme to the Isle of Man.
Sheeba, who is highly qualified and has a wealth of knowledge in the health industry, also offers nutrition education and health promotion in the form of talks, seminars and workshops to the community and the island’s private sector.
People are often bombarded with nutritional information in the news and online which can be confusing and overwhelming, Sheeba explained.
However Ideal Nutrition will help clients by offering evidence based bespoke solutions.
Sheeba, Ideal Nutrition’s director and consultant, has worked in Australia and New Zealand as well as the Isle of Man.
She said:
“My business aims at people wanting to improve their health and wellbeing and disease prevention through good food, nutrition and lifestyle modification, employers looking out for the health and wellbeing of their employees through nutrition education and also for clients who wish to lose weight and maintain weight for good health.“I consider it a privilege to be able to serve the community and offer nutritional services in Isle of Man and I look forward developing my niche in the business.“It’s been a dream come true to have set up my own business and I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family, friends and well-wishers for their wonderful support.”As part of Ideal Nutrition Sheeba is proud to bring Counterweight, a weight loss and weight management programme, to the Isle of Man.
Counterweight is evidence based, structured, fully evaluated lifestyle weight management programme which is a proven effective programme, in line with NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence) and SIGN (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network) guidelines and with over 12 years of experience in UK Healthcare.
Sheeba is a Registered Nutritionist (UKVRN) specialising in Public Health Nutrition with The Association For Nutrition. She has a B.Sc. degree in Nutrition and Dietetics, M.Sc. degree in Foods and Nutrition and an M.Phil degree in Biochemistry.
She is a trained and accredited Counterweight weight loss and management practitioner. She has both core and advanced level training in HENRY (Health Exercise and Nutrition for the really Young) as well as being an accredited leader in Live Well Stay Well (long term condition) and Looking After Me (helping carers look after themselves) in Isle Of Man.
For more information on Ideal Nutrition visit
www.Idealnutrition.org or email
Alternatively call/text 07624 357120 or visit
Photo - Sheeba Thiagarahan.