People with sensory hearing loss are being invited by the Department of Health and Social Care’s Audiology Service to take part in a pioneering four week trial to improve conversations when using a mobile phone.
The Audiology Service, in collaboration with Goshawk Communications in the UK and Manx Telecom, are preparing to launch the trial. The new technology aims to make the sound quality coming through a telephone handset clearer and easier to understand.
Stephen Griffiths, Principal Audiologist at Noble’s Hospital explained: “Anyone with a sensory hearing loss who uses a Manx mobile number can volunteer to take part in the trial. The trial aims to create a personalised phone signal for voice calls based on the volunteer’s specific hearing needs. Volunteers will be asked to report during the trial whether there is a difference between the processed and unprocessed signal.
“If you are hearing impaired with a mild, moderate or severe sensorineural loss, and would like to take part, please contact us on 650407 or at the Noble’s Hospital Audiology Clinic for an informal chat to learn more about the trial.
“You will be invited to Noble’s Hospital Audiology Clinic to have a series of hearing tests over the mobile phone you regularly use. Your mobile phone signal will be set up by Manx Telecom to receive the individually modified signal by Goshawk Communications that matches your hearing tests.
“You will have two to six weeks to try out the improved signal with the calls you make. You will be contacted by an independent researcher once a week during the trial to monitor your experiences. At the end of the trial your mobile signal will return to normal. Taking part in the trial will not increase your mobile phone costs.”
Matthew Turner from Goshawk Communications said: “The Island is spearheading this research, which will be the first time a combination of audiology software has been integrated with an advanced telecom network to improve the quality of life of hearing impaired people as they use their phone.”
Tuesday 27th, October 2015 09:59pm.