The Manx Competitive Music, Speech and Dance Festival, affectionately known as the Guild, is to launch its Syllabus for 2016 at the ‘Guild Goes South’ Concert at the Erin Arts Centre on 30th October. The 2016 festival, which will be supported by Dandara for a second year, will introduce a number of exciting new classes, including Ballet, Modern and Character Dance classes and a new Rock and Pop Band night.
Anyone interested in entering themselves or their pupils in the dance classes are welcome to attend a ‘Competing in Dance’ workshop at the Villa Marina Arcade on Sunday 15th November from 1-4pm where acclaimed dance adjudicator, Jill Baldock, will give a master class on competing in dance competitions. Tickets are available from the Festival Secretary by emailing or by phoning 614725.
The 2016 event will be the 124th Manx Music Festival, which over its long history has supported and developed music, speech and dance in the Island to the highest levels. Many of its competitors have gone on to high profile and illustrious careers, including most recently, Simon Lynch, an X Factor competitor.
The ‘Guild Goes South’ Concert will be a true variety performance featuring song, instrumental, dance and drama. It will also include the debut performance of songs composed for the 2015 Music Composition class. Tickets are ?6 and are available from the Erin Arts Centre Box Office. The Syllabus will be available at the Concert, from outlets around the Island and from the Festival Secretary.
Dandara marketing director Joanna Orton, said:
‘We are proud to be involved with the Manx Music, Speech and Dance Festival especially during a period where the committee is exploring ways in which it can cater for people involved in more modern forms of music and dance, while maintaining its strong tradition.’ Festival Secretary Jacqueline Yates, continued:
‘The Guild is changing and expanding as it has always done to move with the times and attract new audiences. The “Competing in Dance” workshop is something very new which we hope will attract a whole new group of competitors to entertain new audiences. It would be delightful to see old and new friends at the Guild Goes South concert.’ Photo - 2015 Cleveland Medal Test winner, Karen Elliot.