An event next month will bring together agencies to address issues affecting the safety and well-being of children and young people.‘Closer Links’ takes place on Saturday 14th November and is open to youth workers and those from voluntary sector organisations working with young people.
Gary McManus, a Children Services Partnership and Safeguarding Children’s Board member, will open the event by speaking about the Isle of Man Government’s Strategy for Children and Young People, which was approved by Tynwald in March. He will describe how everyone has a part to play in the strategy.
There will be workshops on bereavement, smoking/e-cigarettes, eating disorders, legal highs, child sexual exploitation, self-harm and autistic spectrum disorders.
Grainne Burns is a Youth Officer with the Department of Education and Children’s Youth Service, which is organising the event.
She said:
‘Improving the quality of life for children, young people and families at risk, and ensuring our young people are responsible citizens, are among the national outcomes we are striving for under Agenda for Change.‘This event will raise awareness on issues pertinent to young people today and how we can safeguard against them.‘It will bring together the Youth Service, sport, uniformed organisations, church groups and others working with children and young people in the community and offer them new skills and information. ‘For young people, these universal services are often the first point of contact and it is relationships with those working at the front line that often help and support them to move from childhood to adulthood with less difficulty.’Grainne said it was the fourth time ‘Closer Links’ has been held.
‘We think it is really important that the invaluable work of people working with young people in all kinds of settings is recognised and supported.’‘Closer Links’ will be held at the Annie Gill Building at the Isle of Man College of Further and Higher Education.
Places are free and delegates can attend for all or part of the day. A snack will be available at lunchtime and tea/coffee throughout the day.
For more information about the event, or to book a place, contact Jane Duke at the Youth Service on / 01624 686057.