80-year-old fundraiser Bob Leith is getting reading to swim 80 lengths of the NSC pool to raise funds for the Isle of Man Live At Home Scheme.Bob, from Laxey, chose to raise funds for the charity because he says it’s a local charity which does a does a great job. He added:
“Both my wife and I are involved with the Laxey and Lonan scheme and have benefited from the support they offer. It is also very much a personal challenge to swim 80 lengths of the NSC to commemorate my 80th year.”Jo Dixon, Island Live at Home Manager for the Isle of Man Live at Home Schemes, said:
“We’re extremely grateful to Bob for taking on this challenge and will be there to support him on the day, I am confident Bob will achieve his goal, his training is going well and he has a quiet determination to complete the 80 lengths.”Bob’s marathon swim will take place at the NSC on Friday October 16 starting at noon and it is expected that Bob will take around three hours to complete his challenge.
There are six Live At Home Schemes on the Island – Western, Northern, Onchan, Douglas, Laxey, Lonan, and Northern Men In Sheds. These schemes – which are all part of the UK-based MHA charity – provide support for around 600 older adults by offering a range of services, including organising social groups, lunch clubs, film club, one to one befriending, help with transport, and advice on accessing other support services. To find out more about Isle of Man Live At Home Schemes, phone 616571, email
Isleofman.liveathome@mha.org.uk or find the charity on Facebook. You can also visit the Live At Home Schemes website
To make a donation to support Bob go to