Over 10,000 2014/15 tax returns have already been submitted using Online Tax Services and the Income Tax Division would like to remind everyone that they are providing extra assistance in order to encourage people to do so in this fast and convenient way. This will enable users to enrol quickly and avoid large queues at their offices or having to post their return.
There is now only one week to the 6 October 2015 deadline for submitting 2014/15 personal tax returns and there are currently in excess of 17,000 returns still outstanding.
To assist new users the enrolment process can be completed to enable immediate submission of their return online by calling 685400 (option 2) during normal office hours or through an extended hours telephone service as follows;
Wednesday 30 September 2015 and Thursday 1 October 2015 5.30pm to 8.30pm
Friday 2 October 2015 5pm to 8.30pm
Saturday 3 October 2015 2pm to 5pm
Sunday 4 October 2015 2pm to 8pm
Monday 5 October 2015 5.30pm to 10pm
If the Income Tax Division has not received personal tax returns for the year ended 5 April 2015 by 6 October 2015, taxpayers will be charged a ?100 penalty. If the return has still not been received by the Division by 6 April 2016, a further ?200 penalty will be charged. Even if the penalties are paid, the return must still be submitted and people may be prosecuted for failing to do so.
Paper returns can be put through the letterboxes located at the front entrance to, or on the 2nd floor inside, Government Office.
If anyone requires a duplicate return, they should contact the Division immediately so that it can be issued and returned before the deadline.
Tuesday 29th, September 2015 11:37pm.