The Seven Kingdoms Isle of Man Adventure race took place on Saturday in spectacular weather conditions. The race, organised by Adventurous Experiences and sponsored by the Mylchreests Group saw competitors navigate their way round a 40km course visiting various checkpoints on the way through mountain biking and running whilst completing a number of special stages.
The race started at King Edward Bay Golf Club at 9.30am and saw competitors complete a short run through Groudle glen to the Old Sea Lion Cove where the first special stage was waiting for them. This involved them kitting up in safety gear to jump into the pool from a specially erected platform set up for the event.
After climbing the steps from the pool it was onto the mountain bikes for a journey through the Manx countryside to West Baldwin via Conrhenny plantation where a special mountain bike stage had been set up by Loaghtan Loaded based on the popular Longest Day, Longest Ride race. A final climb to Windy Corner before the descent to Injebreck reservoir where the bikes were left behind and competitors continued on foot, not before kayaking the full length of the reservoir first though! The run section required some good navigation to stay on course taking competitors over the hilltops via Slieau Roy and down through the Kings Forest at Greeba.
A final run back to Adventurous Experiences base, Ballabrooie near St Johns along the old railway line before a river crossing and an exciting zip line finish saw the first competitor Stephen Caley from Peel arrive at the finish after 4 hours 21 minutes and 16 seconds followed by the winning team Calder Valley Adventure racers, from the UK who completed the course in 4 hours 38 minutes and 47 seconds.
Race Organiser John Keggin said: "all the competitors really embraced the freedom of adventure racing, the excitement, the minimum of rules and maximum fun!"
Race Director Keirron Tastagh added: "I want to thank our incredible team that made the event run so smoothly. Our sponsors Mylchreests, our many supporters including the guys at Loaghtan Loaded who got on board with us this year to help us with the race."
The date for next year has been set for Saturday 17th September 2016 with race entries opening soon.
Results, Teams 1: Calder Valley AR 04:38:47, 2. Team Swimtech 05:07:56, 3. Mean Green 05:17:49.
Solo, 1. Stephen Caley 04:21:16 2. Katia Tastagh 04:41:47 3. James Mylchreest 05:09:33
Photo - Race special stage at Groudle.
Friday 25th, September 2015 10:09pm.