Old Mutual International, a successful and thriving cross-border investment business, is pleased to announce the main sponsorship of the Douglas Athletic Women’s Football Team in an initiative that will help launch and establish the Team in its first season.
“The sponsorship means a lot to both myself and Douglas Athletic,” said the team’s manager Craig Purvis. “We were approached by the Isle of Man Football Association regarding the setting up of a women’s team and we saw this as a perfect opportunity to help raise the profile of women’s football on the island, particularly in the light of England’s recent success at the World Cup.”
He added: “We also saw this as a chance to give women from the age of 16 upwards a reason to get out in the fresh air and meet new people. Our message across our marketing banners is ‘get fit...get social’. The target for the first season is to build the foundations and establish our club for many years to come which is why the sponsorship from Old Mutual International is so welcome and important to us.”
Mr Purvis said that apart from new kit for the team, the sponsorship will also go towards all-important safe training facilities, with up to date equipment for the full season which runs from September through to April, with a break over the winter months, usually November and December.
“Another factor as a direct result of Old Mutual International’s generosity is that we have been able to secure a weekly training slot on Bemahague’s new all-weather pitch. The reception we have had has been very encouraging, from both inside and outside the club, including the Isle of Man FA.”
Wendy Ranft-Gerber, communications manager of Onchan-based Old Mutual International, commented: “We are very proud of our long heritage on the Isle of Man and the sponsorship of community based initiatives demonstrates our commitment to the Island. We are therefore delighted to be sponsoring the club in its first season and wish it every possible success.”
Photo - Douglas Athletic Women’s Football Team with coach Ian Mellows (left), manager Craig Purvis (right) and Wendy Ranft-Gerber (centre), communications manager of sponsors Old Mutual International.
Wednesday 16th, September 2015 02:24pm.