Presidents Day this Sunday 13 September starting prompt at 3pm. Please sign in by 2.45pm. At the moment we would like 3 more juniors and 2 seniors to complete the event with 4 groups of 4 pairs. Please e-mail Bryan at or phone 861497. First come first served so be quick.Entry forms available this weekend for the Club Championships sponsored by Auxesia Limited. Please put yor entry in early as last minute entries do cause extra work for the tournament organisers ie trophy selection, seeding etc. The committee puts in many hours to run these events and would appreciate some support.
The club’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 28 October at 7pm in club lounge.The committee at present is President Bryan Sharp, Chairman Stuart Colligon, Secretary/PRO Mrs Pat Sharp, Treasurer David Bufton, Membership Secretary Mrs Jan Gaskill, Facilities Manager Bryan Sharp, Social events co-ordinator Mrs Kirsten Hall, Child Protection Officer Mrs Clare Skelcher, A team Captain, Ian Watson, B team Captain Mrs Jackie Russell. These members are willing to stand for re-election but if members wish to nominate anyone for any role nominations must be sent to the Secretary or Chairman. One of the important points for discussion will be club fees for next year. The club costs a lot to run and members fees, sponsorship and fund raising events keep us afloat but all things e.g rates, electric, heating oil, ground maintenance, repairs, cleaning, tennis balls, coaching and admin all mount up to a large amount of money. So the committee will need the meeting’s approval of any possible increases.
So please put the date in your diary and show your support by attending.