Hospice Isle of Man will once again be part of a UK fundraising and awareness week this October by holding a series of events in the hope that people will support the local charity. The theme this year is Connecting Care.
The events will commence on Saturday 3rd October with a quiz night at The Cat with No Tail starting at 7.30pm. Quizmaster will be Dave Hughes. Teams of 6 are welcomed at ?10 a team.
Thursday 8th October will see a very ‘arresting’ event - full details to be revealed nearer the time.
Hospice hopes that individuals and organisations will dress in blue and hold cake sales for them on Friday 9th October. Staff and volunteers will be at Tescos bag packing from 9am-8pm on that day too. Saturday 10th October will see a beautiful musical event at Kirk Braddan from 4pm to 9pm with Grace Lee and other choirs on the Island taking part in Voices for Hospice. Tickets are ?15 per person to include supper.
The final event of the week will see Douglas Promenade become a human chain connecting along the length of it. Hospice would like the Manx public to come along and connect! The event is on Sunday 11th October starting at 3pm. A ?1 donation is asked for.
For more information on any of these events and to book your tickets for any of the event please email fundraising@hospice.org.im.
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