Moore Stephens’ Business Sense® now includes Business and Executive Coaching.
“Sometimes what you need is not an accountant,” observed Moore Stephens partner, Andrew Dixon.
Business Sense®, is a suite of services designed by Moore Stephens specifically geared for small and local businesses, ranging from accounting to compliance, marketing to payroll and more specifically aimed at local, small and start-up businesses to help them get off the ground and achieve their business goals. Tied in with other Business Sense® services, coaching helps people to decide on their own what else Moore Stephens can help them with.
“I thrive off meeting local entrepreneurs aspiring to launch their dreams and make a business out of it,” said Bransom Bean, Business Sense® Programme Coordinator. “Helping launch a business or facilitating an individual’s career, not only offers great personal satisfaction but when we contribute to the growth of small and local businesses on the Island we all flourish.”
Coaching, the latest service line to be added to Business Sense®, is headed up by 63 year old former US Navy submarine officer and offshore sailor, Bransom Bean, who has been coaching for over 30 years.
“Being a coach is not like being a consultant,” explained Bransom. “I’m not there to tell business people what they should do – they’ve been in their skin for years and know better than I do what they are comfortable with. I’m there to coax out those inner strengths and ideas that sometimes people don’t even realise are there and to help them identify and achieve their goals themselves.”
Photo - Bransom Bean.
Monday 7th, September 2015 03:35pm.