Hospice was delighted to be the beneficiary of a kind donation of ?720 recently. The money was raised through the efforts of Rebecca Michelson taking part in the Tough Mann challenge on the Island. Rebecca has strong connections with the Hospice as her grandfather, Peter Vickers was one of the founding members of the charity in 1983.
She is pictured with family friend Nadene Crowther and Chief Executive of Hospice, Margaret Simpson.
Rebecca explained she grew up appreciating how important the support of specialist palliative care for patients and their families facing life limiting illness is. The care includes physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects and is provided by a multidisciplinary team free of charge. She added:
“I have experienced first-hand what the Hospice can do, their care and support has been overwhelming during extremely difficult times.” “I competed in this event in memory of my grandfather, Peter Vickers and family friend Patricia Harvey. “The Tough Mann challenge was hard, particularly the very, very steep hill!” Rebecca would also like to thank her employer, Baker Tilly Isle of Man for their support.
Nadene thanked Rebecca for her efforts for Hospice saying her grandfather would have been very proud of her.
You can still donate to Rebecca’s page by visiting -
https://www.justgiving.com/Rebecca-Michelson/ Photo - left to right: Rebecca, Margaret and Nadene.