President’s Day – 13 September – entry forms have been sent to eligible juniors and some seniors who I hope will be keen to enter. Forms are also available at the club or I can send further copies by e-mail. Entries close Thursday 10 September at 6pm. Entry fee - ?3 for seniors and ?2 for juniors can be placed with entry form in the white box in the clubroom or paid on the day. It’s a yellow ball round robin fun event. You can e-mail your entry to
Club coaching will re-start from Saturday 19 September. Club Coach Ian Watson will be sending out full details to all the club’s juniors but unless told differently you should attend your usual sessions.
Each year the club hosts the Belarusian children who have a month’s holiday here under the auspices of The Friends of Chernobyl’s Children. The organisation will be holding a public meeting on Friday 18 September at 7.30pm at the Palace Hotel to hopefully find some more helpers or families who would host a child for their visit. The guest speaker is Mr Mike Cowan CEO and Charity Director of Friends of Chernobyl’s Children UK.
This is a very worthwhile organisation to support and maybe some of our members could offer some help.
Our Friday Morning Ladies group combines their social tennis with some fund raising events for various charities. The next event is Friday 26 September 10am – 12noon – The Big Stir in aid of Macmillan Cancer Care. Members are urged to support this event and non-members would be made very welcome. Other events they have held have been The Strawberry Coffee Morning for Breast Cancer Care and also funds were raised for the new Breast Care Unit at Noble’s Hospital.
If any Albany juniors are playing in UK tournaments will you please send me the scores – I can e-mail a results form which you can complete. Then I can write a short tournament report which a lot of our members like to read about.