A fresh intake of student officers is preparing to take its first steps towards a career in the Isle of Man Constabulary.A total of 10 candidates accepted job offers earlier this month after progressing through the initial selection process and passing a medical examination.
Starting in September, they will undergo a rigorous 15-week training programme to learn about the law and various aspects of modern policing. The candidates have already demonstrated the Constabulary’s core values of Caring, Professionalism, Challenge, Service, Respect and Responsibility during classroom appraisals, scenario-based role-play and sessions in the local community.
After completing their training, the new recruits will serve as probationary constables for two years, strengthening efforts to maintain community safety in the Isle of Man. They will initially be deployed in one of the Neighbourhood Policing Teams under the supervision of an experienced officer and will perform a wide range of duties, including investigating crime, arresting and interviewing suspects, taking witness statements, dealing with traffic issues and responding to the needs of the Manx public.
Home Affairs Minister Juan Watterson MHK said:
‘I wish our new recruits well as they prepare for a career in law enforcement. Providing an appropriately resourced police force contributes to the Department’s primary objective of safeguarding local communities. The Isle of Man Constabulary continues to provide a high level of public service and this can only be achieved by employing people who possess strong values and the right mix of skills.’The latest intake of officers continues the carefully managed policy of succession planning within the Constabulary. New student constables are regularly needed to join the organisation to maintain policing numbers when experienced offers retire.
The next round of recruitment is currently under way, with a view to a new group of student officers starting employment in January 2016. Details of the application process, essential criteria and forthcoming drop-in sessions are available on the Government website at
https://www.gov.im/categories/home-and-neighbourhood/emergency-services/police/recruitment/ or by calling 631547 between 10am and 1pm, Monday to Friday. The deadline for applications is 4pm on Friday 11 September 2015.
The emphasis is on recruiting local people to serve their local communities, although a small number of experienced officers do transfer to the Isle of Man from UK forces in order to meet demand.
Minister Watterson said:
‘Providing a safe environment is a fundamental part of the Government’s plans to secure a sustainable future for the Island. As well as protecting vulnerable people, maintaining our status as one of the safest places to live in the British Isles is supporting wider efforts to grow our economy.’