A victim of historic sexual abuse has added her voice to the recent police appeal encouraging people to come forward.
It follows the conviction of 39 year old Andrew Mark Byrne of historic child sex abuse.
The victim who lives in the Isle of Man but wants to protect her anonymity said: 'I was abused over a number of years in the 1970s and eventually took the decision to report it to the police. At that time they had a special sexual offences team up in Onchan so all my interviews and everything were done there. The officers - male and female - were very good and supported me throughout the process. I cannot praise them enough.
'Unfortunately, the offences against me took place in the UK and when the Manx Police passed the file over to their UK counterparts, nothing happened.
'The UK police said it was a long time ago and it would be his word against mine yada yada, so no action was taken, making me feel like I'd gone through Hell for nothing.'
But she says the Manx police and criminal justice system 'have more gumption and will prosecute', adding: 'Any Manx victims should come forward - please! My abuser has got away with it, please don't let any more do so, especially if you can do something about it.'