The One World Centre is encouraging youngsters to find out more about the culture and country of India with the launch of an “I Love India” Girl Guide Challenge Badge. The badge has been developed to provide 38 sessions of ideas and fun activities for Girl Guides of all ages. These include the chance to explore Indian food, art and dance as well as finding out about famous Indian women and the traditions around significant events such as weddings.
It works in harmony with the Girl Guiding Five Essentials framework, which supports the development of girls and young women, and complements many of Guiding’s World Issue badges.
Rosemary Clarke, Director of the One World Centre, said:
“The idea of creating a badge came from one our members and it is an excellent way of engaging young people with the idea of global citizenship and exploring what life is like beyond British shores.“India has a particular relevance to Girl Guiding at the moment as 2016 marks the 50th anniversary of the Sangam World Centre for Guiding which is based at Pune, in the Indian state of Maharashtra. “Sangam means “coming together” in Sanskrit and we hope the “I Love India” badge will help Guides from around the world, including the Isle of Man, make connections with their counterparts in India.”Further details on the badge can be found here: or by getting in touch with the One World Centre at or by phone on 800464.
Photo - One World Centre Director Rosemary Clarke and Chairman Phil Craine with the new “I Love India Girl Guiding” badge.