Ninety-four per cent of community health patients who completed a feedback survey earlier this year have indicated satisfaction with the care they receive.
The Island’s Community Health Services comprise podiatry, speech and language therapy, community nursing (adults and children’s services), family planning, state-run dental services, prison healthcare and Ramsey and District Cottage Hospital.
A random sample of patients were asked to provide feedback on a number of issues including the cleanliness of facilities, ease of access to premises and the standard of care delivered by individual practitioners. A total of 278 responses were received.
Minister for Health and Social Care, Howard Quayle MHK, congratulated the community health team on their performance: “This is an impressive set of results of which the staff and the Department can be proud. Staff work extremely hard and do their utmost to deliver the highest standards of care throughout our community.”
Across the services, patients expressed gratitude at how they were treated, describing a wealth of compassion and competency amongst staff.
Many respondents provided examples of good care and a number of patients named specific staff members they felt had excelled.
Community Health Services Manager, Cathy Glover, said: “The 2015 results are reassuringly similar to those of the last survey in 2012; demonstrating that the high standards previously achieved by Community Health Services are being maintained. We of course welcome positive feedback, but our aim is to build on this and, importantly, address feedback in areas where we might be able to improve how we work.”
Wednesday 19th, August 2015 01:22pm.