
Consultation on Tobacco Control Regulations

by 18th August 2015
A public consultation has been launched on draft regulations that will govern the display of tobacco products, amongst other measures.

It is part of Government’s ongoing work to implement the Island’s Tobacco Strategy, a key component of which is reducing the number of young people taking up smoking. Limiting access to tobacco products and reducing their visibility is one way of achieving this.

The consultation is on regulations to be made under the Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2006, as amended by the Public Health (Tobacco) (Amendment) Bill 2015. The Bill successfully completed its passage through the Branches of Tynwald at the end of June and is awaiting Royal Assent.

This consultation concerns regulations governing the following:

1. Displays of tobacco products
2. Displays of price lists
3. Brandsharing.

The regulations provide further detail about when and where tobacco products and their prices may be displayed. For example, tobacco products will need to be kept in closed storage units and only be displayed to persons over the age of 18, subject to certain specified exceptions.

The regulations will also provide more detail about the prohibition of brandsharing. This is where the use of a feature (name, logo, emblem etc.) which is the same or so similar to a tobacco product that it has the effect of promoting a tobacco product.

Feedback from an earlier consultation indicated that local tobacco retailers required more time to make adjustments to tobacco displays if and when legislation was approved. For this reason, the Department of Health and Social Care has given an undertaking that the regulations for tobacco displays will not come into force until six months after they are approved by Tynwald.

Following approval, the Department will invite selected stakeholders, such as local tobacco retailers, to meet with officers to discuss the implications of the new legislation in respect of the purchase of new storage units, staff training and planning ahead.

Commenting on the draft regulations, Minister for Health and Social Care, Howard Quayle MHK, said: “I was very pleased when the Bill progressed through the Branches of Tynwald with almost universal support, as it is a significant step forward towards the achievement of the Island’s Tobacco Strategy.

“The strategy is very clear that we must do all that we can to prevent our young people from easily accessing tobacco products and there is evidence that tobacco displays influence young people and increase the likelihood of them taking up smoking. Evidence also shows that such displays increase the likelihood of impulse buying.”

The Minister concluded: “These regulations provide the detail about how the new primary legislation will be enforced and the Department will work with the local tobacco retailers to ensure that, if the regulations are approved by Tynwald, they are prepared for the new requirements by the time they actually come into force.”

A copy of the consultation can be found here. The deadline for submissions is Monday 28 September 2015.
Posted by
Tuesday 18th, August 2015 10:35pm.

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